Tompkins FFA
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Constitution & Bylaws

Tompkins FFA Booster Club Constitution

ARTICLE I. FFA BOOSTER CLUB These bylaws shall be considered a part of the constitution of the Tompkins FFA Booster Club.
ARTICLE II. LOCATION OF PRINCIPLE OFFICE The principle office of the Tompkins FFA Booster Club shall be located at: O.D. Tompkins High School  4400 Falcon Landing ADDRESS Katy TX 77494  (281) 234-1000 (281) 644-1910 TELEPHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER
ARTICLE III. OFFICERS OF TOMPKINS FFA BOOSTER CLUB Section A. The Officers of the Tompkins FFA Booster Club shall be: 1. President 2. Vice President 3. Secretary 4. Treasurer 5. Tompkins FFA Advisors (Ex Officio) Section B. Officers shall be elected annually at the January meeting of each year by a majority vote of the members present at the meeting. Section C. Booster Club officers elected in January shall begin their officer duties effective the first day of the summer break and will end their officer duties effective the last day of the school year. Section D. Any member in good standing is eligible to serve as an officer. Officers must be a parent, guardian, or adult relative of a child who participates in the Tompkins FFA Ag Science / FFA Program.
ARTICLE IV. NOMINATING COMMITTEE Section A. A Nominating Committee shall be formed for the purpose of securing candidates for the booster club's annual officer election. Section B. The Nominating Committee shall consist of one chairman and two committee members. The chairman and committee members will be volunteers from within the booster membership and shall be secured at the September booster club meeting. Section C. The nominating committee will secure a minimum of two candidates per officer position, and candidates will be secured by the December booster club meeting. Tompkins FFA Booster Club Bylaws Revised September 21, 2015 2 of 3 Tompkins FFA
ARTICLE V. DUTIES OF THE OFFICERS Section A. It shall be the duty of the FFA Booster Club officers to direct the operation of the affiliate/association in accordance with its constitutional purposes. It shall be responsible for planning the programs and activities in which it is advisable for the nonprofit organization to participate. President: Shall preside at all meetings Coordinate the work of the officers and committees in order that objectives are promoted Coordinate the work so that necessary reports are timely to Federal and State agencies. Perform duties as necessary by the Officers Vice President: Assume duties of President in the event of President's inability to serve temporarily or as a result of resignation. Chair Membership and Banquet committees Perform duties as necessary by the officers. Secretary: Record minutes of all meetings, furnish a copy of minutes to the President and Advisor within one week following meetings. Maintain a roll of active members. Publish all notices of meetings as required by by-laws. Chair the Publicity Committee and oversee all communication with members. Perform duties as necessary by the officers. Treasurer: Be the financial officer of the organization. Prepare the budget and provide financial reports as requested. Receive all monies of the organization and deposit said monies in the bank designated by the organization. Keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures. Payout funds with proper receipts in accordance with approved budget or actions. Provide monthly reports to members. Perform duties as necessary by the officers. Section B. The FFA Booster Club may appoint such committees necessary to further the work of the Tompkins FFA Booster Club.
ARTICLE VI. MEETINGS Section A. The meetings of the Tompkins FFA Booster Club shall be held at the same time and location as the Tompkins FFA Meetings. Additional meetings may be called by the Tompkins FFA Booster Club Officers. Section B. A quorum will be defined as a minimum of 5 members present at any meeting in order to conduct business. Tompkins FFA Booster Club Bylaws Revised September 21, 2015 3 of 3 Tompkins FFA
ARTICLE VII. FISCAL YEAR Section A. The fiscal year of the local FFA Booster Club shall be September 1st – August 31st of each year. Section B. Books and records of the Tompkins Booster Club may be inspected by any member or his agent or attorney at any reasonable time.
ARTICLE VIII. OPERATING FUNDS Section A. Operating Funds shall be maintained in a general account and an accounting of such funds shall be presented at each meeting. Section B. Operating Funds shall be kept in a financial institution agreed upon by the officers. Section C. All checks will require two signatures. Any two officers are eligible to disburse money. No two members of the same family may sign checks without a third signature. Section D. Booster Club officers may approve expenses up to $250 without a membership vote if the need for the expense occurs between meetings or during the summer months and if the expense must be approved prior to the next scheduled booster club meeting.
ARTICLE IX. AMENDEMENTS TO BY LAWS Section A. These by-laws may be altered, amended, or repealed, and new by-laws may be adopted by a two-thirds vote of the members present at a meeting, which meets the quorum requirements as stated above in Article VI.

Our By-laws and constitution can be forwarded to you upon request.


Tompkins FFA Booster Club Constitution Katy Sheffield 8/28/2020 93 KB
Tompkins FFA Booster Club Bylaws Katy Sheffield 8/27/2020 94 KB
Summary of Proposed Changes to Bylaws Katy Sheffield 12/7/2020 18 KB



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